Grand Rounds Update

Our movable collection of the week's best medical posts, Grand Rounds, is celebrating its half-year anniversary. Many hearty thanks and congratulations to our hosts and contributors. I've been genuinely dazzled by the writing and creativity of the medical bloggers, and it's been an honor scheduling you. I can only hope that funneling traffic from healthcare professionals, and lay readers, has resulted in new fans of our medical blogs.

So, as promised, I've got some news:

First, after six months of rotating hosts, it's time to begin recycling. While a lot of new medibloggers have emerged since we started, there still aren't more than a few dozen of us out there writing with frequency. Recycling will keep the quality of hosting high, and will fortify the voices of established medical writers. New medical bloggers will still be featured frequently, of course -- I imagine old hosts will come back once or twice a month for the forseeable future.

Second, I'm launching a private Grand Rounds discussion forum on Google Groups. It's my hope that tips and ideas for promoting and improving Grand Rounds can percolate among the former hosts. And I'm always receptive to suggestions from anyone via email.

It's worth reflecting on what from founder Dr. Reider said, when musing about the next wave in medical news delivery:

... If we're talking about medical information - and perhaps even medical news - there is still an author of the story - and an editor - and if I know a little about them - I am better prepared to judge what it is that I am reading. "Personality" may be the means to the "transparency" end. Humor, even in "news" is appropriate and maintains the attention of the reader. Makes everyone more human. Sometimes when the author says WHY something is important - or offers an editorial summary - they are providing a framework for the reader.

Dr. Reider wasn't talking about our weekly roundup, or even blogs as they now exist. But I think that the format of Grand Rounds, with its mix of familiar and new contributors and hosts, goes a long way toward his vision of an accessible, useful health publication with transparency and personality.

Browse through the archives and see for yourself. The past editions of Grand Rounds can now be accessed on this site, but will also remain at Izzy's Undisclosed Location. I'd like to thank Izzy, and also Interested-Participant and Galen for their early guidance and suggestions.