Analyzing Twitter for Public Health Research - #med2 tutorial

Michael Chary and I presented our tutorial, Analyzing Twitter for Public Health Research, at the Medicine 2.0 World Congress in Maui just recently.

Our audience was a diverse group of clinicians and researchers. There was substantial pre-meeting prep, where we guided prospective attendees through registering on and GitHub, then logging into a new account on Codio and forking our repository full of setup scripts and sample code.

At the meeting we presented slides and references, passed around handouts and gave hands-on help and advice to the room.

We think we've given our audience a good foundation to apply new techniques for public health research, collect good data and draw reasonable conclusions from their results.

In the course of preparing this material, we also learned a lot, about how to effectively disseminate these techniques. Now we're looking for new venues to share what we've learned - perhaps there's a role for more traditional media...

More to come.