While the output here has fallen from blogborygmi's heyday, this site's original purpose was to foster writing opportunities with, you know, real publishing platforms. By that standard, this past year has been a good one. If you're interested in reading more of my stuff, from health informatics to social networks, see below:
RIP Google Health. A look at the nearly-late, nearly-great Google Health, and the prospects for personal health records.
Twitter, and emergency response. What if social media was available on 9/11?
Redefining EMR Usability. When I got into electronic medical record usability, I thought it'd be about physician satisfaction, consistency, and counting clicks for key tasks. Recent developments suggest, however, it's going to be about estimating and reducing errors.
Getting Social. How social media can change the public face of emergency medicine.
When Charts Cry Wolf. The evidence surrounding the annoying, often irrelevant drug interaction warnings served up by electronic medical records.
EPMonthly EMR Roundtable. A freewheeling discussion on electronic medical records, conducted by Mark Plaster and featuring Rick Bukata, Bruce Janiak, and yours truly.
Meaningful Use: A Really Good Kick in the Pants. My interview with Maimonides CMIO (and emergency physician) Steven Davidson
MU and You. A primer on meaningful use of electronic health records, and what it will mean for emergency medicine.