At ACEP last week,
@drsamko tweeted
a stat from the great Amal Mattu: the audience forgets 40% of new content from a presentation within 20 minutes, and 90% after a week.
I replied, "The Twitter audience never forgets!"
If I had more room, I might have been a little more precise. Twitter makes forgetting less likely, as pearls from different lectures can be broadcasted, shared and debated.
But Twitter is not Google or Pubmed. Once shared, Tweets, like good talking points from a lecture, have a way of disappearing into the ether.
So I applaud
GruntDoc for his reprinting 95
theses tweets from ACEP, on a more permanent form on his blog (look at what we've come to, when blog posts are considered durable).
Here are a few of
my own from ACEP
#SA11 lectures and wanderings (largely stripped of hashtags, grouped by lecture, oldest first). If you make it all the way down, I have some (brief) thoughts on process of tweeting from conferences.