Members of the social media committee spoke today at SAEM about, well, online social networking and the emergency physician. Our presentations are available via Prezi: mine as well as Jason Nomura's and Rob Cooney's. We also had a conference call a few weeks ago where we covered some of these topics, moderated by Jim Miner and recorded by Scott Joing.
Below, I've added links to stories, papers and sources I referenced, in my presentation:
Matthew Strausburg's letter about Facebook's risk to his career
The malpractice trial outing of the anonymous pediatrician, Flea
Rhode Island EM physician Alexandra Thran's Facebook case and RISMB filing (PDF)
The nursing student, Doyle Byrnes, who posted a placenta photo on Facebook.
The Hayley Barbour clinic Tweet controversy report on QuantiaMD survey of physicians use of social networks
Tips on HIPAA
compliance while on social networks (and some notes on HIPAA compliance in social media policymaking)
Greysen et al, JAMA 2012 research letter on physician violations of online professionalism and state medical board disciplinary cases
Chretien et al, JAMA 2011 letter to the editor on physician usage of Twitter in 2010, broken down by specialty
Ed Bennett's list of hospital policies on social media
SAEM's social media guidelines
For further reading, Dr. Bryan Vartadedian's blog, 33 Charts has a lot of terrific writing on online professionalism: 1,2,3,4