The NRMP match algorithm takes, I'm told, about 90 seconds to assign this year's 16,500 medical students and 10,000+ FMGs to one of hundreds of programs in dozens of specialties. On Monday, we were informed whether or not we matched. The program directors learned the neames of their new trainees yesterday. The medical schools got the list of programs this morning.
And, just after noon, as results were posted on the NRMP website, our Dean handed the each applicant an envelope with our match results.
People cheered, clapped, and hugged when they returned with the envelope to their loved ones and friends. I celebrated with my parents, and enjoyed more than a few high-fives with my classmates. Later, many of the current and graduating MD/PhD students huddled together. We've known each other for the better part of a decade, and have waited a long time for this.
I'm going to an awesome program in a spectacular city, and I'm very, very excited. At this moment, I really wish we started internship tomorrow.
Across the medical blogosphere, it looks like everyone did great. I think Matt Shook actually phoned in a blog entry from the match, which ought to be commemorated in the annals of medicine. The Push Fluids group "rocked the match", and Izzy and his roommate are thrilled. Jatser's ceremony sounded a lot like ours, but they chose to sit it out, as did a fair number of my classmates. Every year there are a few unpleasant surprises or disappointments, and regardless, I can understand the desire to celebrate away from the crowd and the press cameras.
But I'm glad I had the opportunity to reconnect with old friends, and marvel at all the children my classmates are producing. Given the nature of fourth-year, today might be the last chance I have to catch up with some of these wonderful, talented people.